Saturday, 13 November 2010

Summary of each article (Van)

Wired Magazine: The Critics Need a Reboot. The internet Hasn’t Led us into a New Dark Age.
 The first article is talking about how people are finding the internet not as good as it is said to be. Also that is it "dumbing down" the nation, by the use of very pessimistic views on information. In addition the article says that the internet has affected the rate of people gaining information by other uses such as books for instance. However the article plays the devil advocate as it says that those people are ignorant, as the internet consists of beneficial and efficient information sites such as Wikipedia, but which may be imperfect. 

 Bebo’s new soap is all product placement, no plot.
The second article is talking about a new soap which has been introduced on Bebo, which is very similar to the Disney channel soaps, targeted at the bebos target audience. It also talks about whether the target audience really needs to view the same of many thousands of programs consisting of “s-club” material. Moreover it talks about how the shows material is stretched to its fullest extent.

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