Friday, 4 March 2011

12B Textual Analysis: Slumdog Millionaire Trailer

12B Textual Analysis: Slumdog Millionaire Trailer
1) Media Forms:
What techniques does the trailer use to persuade its audience to see the film?
The techniques that these trailers have presented are firstly through the use of it being fast paced/quick tempo which engages the audience attentions. Also these trailers use the notion of introducing the films name not at the beginning which helps to make the audience wonder the name off it, adding to its mystery.  The names of the main stars are put on screen early in both of the trailer. This is important as it lets audiences know who they can expect to see in the film. Audiences will often decide they want to see a film just because of the stars in it, so they try to include a whole variety of characters, hence broadening the audience of the film as the characters may include a variety of different ethnicities. The fact that there is question at the beginning of the trailer, gives the audience a choice and to make their own assumptions to choose whatever they want.
The trailers include key moments from the film which are not placed in the sequence of the film, and do not give away any crucial plot details, in the case of slum dog millionaire ,the audience are likely to wonder what is going to happen to the main protagonist, which makes the audience curious . The use of the director’s name being shown at the beginning of the slum dog millionaire adds reliability to the film being successes as the director is well known, hence increasing people wanting to watch it.
The On-screen text gives important information about the film in the instance of slum dog, being the ‘winner of Toronto award’, this including the stars, director/producers, tag line, title and release date. The music adds to the tempo of the trailer, signifying that the film is likely to be fast paced. The music helps to bring all the elements of the trailer together. In slum dog millionaire the use of fade shots, makes the transition of the shots easier, as well making audiences question the characters persona. Also there is a use of point of view shot, which helps to gain the audience an insight to the characters perspective.

2. Media Representation:
How is ethnicity represented in this trailer?
Ethnicity representation is demonstrated in many ways in this trailer. The protagonist is shown to be from an Indian background, and a child is seen imitating the Hindu deity; Krishna. Within the trailer, in some senses the portrayal of ethnicity could be considered to be shown in a positive light, as it conveys a sense of togetherness, as well as the fact that the main protagonist is on the verge of winning a million pounds also. Another way ethnicity is represented is by the use of money. The fact that they have lived in slums all their lives, gaining a large amount of money, is inevitability making their dreams come true.
Ethnicity is also shown to be a thing that has impacted their lives, the fact that they are that specific ethnicity, means they can’t move forward in life as much as a white person could, as they are likely to have much more possibilities.
3. Media Audiences:
Who is target audience and how does the advert attempt to persuade this audience to watch the film?
The primary target audience for slum dog millionaire is 12-55 age groups unisex, but perhaps more male based, due to the main protagonist being a male, and that he is putting his life on the line for a girl, some of the audiences could relate to this. Moreover the socioeconomic class would be skilled working class, unemployed E or D, as the characters in the trailer, are considered to be living in poverty as they are in slums.
The secondary target audience for this film is likely to be females, as females can relate to the notion of love, and doing anything for love. The trailer is considered to be a romantic genre, which means that young females may be attracted by this kind of film. The soci economic group for females would be D and E as the females in the film are shown to be of lower status.
The advert attempts to persuade the audience to watch the film by using a upbeat recognisable song, which again attracts the audience to come watch the film, as they will recognise. The use of music is also shown to be diverse, with a mix of English and Indian Bollywood music, which helps to broaden the target audience.
4. Media Institutions:
What is communicated about the institution?
The institution of Slumdog millionaire is shown to be off a modern and fresh institution. This means that they are likely to more open minded, evidence of this open mindness is shown by the use of Indian actors. Moreover the fact the actors aren’t well known, suggests that the institution is small, and wants them to be recognised.

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